Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The fun part of military life....

As I sit here in between lice-picking sections of my currently public schooled child's head, I also get to fight with Tricare over my prescription coverage. Apparently, even though I just picked up a script a couple of weeks ago, they now say that I haven't had Tricare coverage in over a year. Nice. This should be really fun at the OB's office tomorrow also. Funny how they have covered all sorts of things and all of a sudden I'm not covered. They also let me know that they don't have Henry's SSN. I've taken that into the DEERS office 4 times now. I was just saying today that it is the little screw ups that these people don't think about. To them its just "Oops, I screwed up." To me its wake both kids up early, get them bathed and dressed while they are still cranky, get H fed, get A fed, get them both into their carseats ( 8 year old is still in a booster), drag them around base, force them to sit in a waiting room quietly so we aren't disrepectful to those around us, and still put on a happy face because with my volunteer position I can't make an arse out of myself, then drag them back home and repeat the whole process only backwards. It really is grand. *Please notice that sarcasm.*

Back to the lice. This makes our second time dealing with it within 4 weeks. Amazingly the teacher told me "confidentially" that the same child that also had it the last time, got sent home with it again. I know for a fact that her mother isn't treating it correctly. There is no way that you can pick them up at school, treat them, and have them ready for school the next day. This makes our third day of treatment and even the prescription shampoo didn't kill this stuff. A's head full of really thick, down to her butt hair isn't helping. She has agreed to a hair cut, but I just don't want her to go to school and be ridiculed....we all know that the one coming back with a haircut is quickly pointed out as the culprit. As of now I have it all sectioned off. It's not pretty. I thought I bought bobby pins but I bought some other kind of hair pins and had to make do. I'm definitely no hair dresser...that's for sure! And now I'm all itchy. You probably are too, aren't you? Welcome to my life. Only 17 more school days left and we are officially a homeschooling family!!

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